2019-20 Executive Team:

President - Isabella Gillard

VPs of the Recreational Team - Sanna, Surath Gomis

VPs of the Competive Team - Alice Xu and Josephine Erb

Treasurer - Henryk Luczynski

External Liaison - David Sapp

Social Director - Nicholas Lum

From left to right: David, Isabella, Joie, Alice, Henryk, Sanna, Surath.  Missing: Nicholas.

From left to right: David, Isabella, Joie, Alice, Henryk, Sanna, Surath. Missing: Nicholas.

2016-17 Executive Team:

President - Evan Fitzgerald
Vice President, Competition - Katie Harris
Vice President, Recreation - Inge Donovan
Keelboat Captain - Alex Sapp
Secretary - Charlie McLaughlin
Treasurers - Jacob Moyston and Dariush Sohldoost
Web Admin - Chris Dobson

From Top-Left: Jacob, Evan, Inge, Alex, Dariush. From Bottom-Left: Chris, ChArlie, Katie.

From Top-Left: Jacob, Evan, Inge, Alex, Dariush. From Bottom-Left: Chris, ChArlie, Katie.

2015-16 Past Executive Team: